Another Think Coming

AI Creators Are Not Responsible for What Harm May Result #AI #mgshare

Leonardo da Vinci failed, if he hoped to keep men and women in ships safe: … I do not publish nor divulge [methods of building submarines] by reason of the evil nature of men who would use them as means of destruction at the bottom of the sea, by sending ships to the bottom, and sinking them …

Changing Image Creation Dates #TechTips #ImageModification

“How do you change the time a screenshot was created?” asked a friend yesterday. What a curious question, I thought. “What’s up?” I asked? So, she explained the situation that required a file that she generated after a deadline to have a certain date and time. …

Do Hard Stuff Daily

What about dental care? David Truss writes this sermon about doing hard stuff. But is dental care even mentioned once? Flossing is hard. Most dentists recommend it. Lots of people don’t do it. Harder Things Bring Results David Truss makes this point: Harder things bring results that you can see, …

Image: Make your Teaspoon Count

Reposting this from Neil DeGrasse Facebook group: Imagine I said something profound connecting our experience creating and being a part of a team with this bee pic…..

What Is Valued at Work vs What Matters

The things bad managers value in their employees? Technical skill Lack of complaints about stupid ideas managers foist on staff in their bid to be relevant, innovative, responsive to the market Obedience Initiative aligned to organization goals, but not too much Patience while company takes forever …

Slack Adds AI Features

Slack adds AI features… A quick summary via Perplexity recap: Recap Feature: Start your day informed with daily summaries of key channels. AI-Powered Search: Find answers and relevant messages quickly with smart search. Conversation Summaries: Click to catch up on threads—highlights and action …

Criminalizing Being a Librarian

Unbelievable…. library-friendly measures are being outpaced by bills in mostly red states that aim to restrict which books libraries can offer and threaten librarians with prison or thousands in fines for handing out “obscene” or “harmful” titles. At least 27 states are considering 100 such bills …

What To Do: Chronic School Absenteeism

What is high-impact tutoring? Could it involve more human relationships and connections, more personalized learning? …preliminary research released earlier this month found that high-impact tutoring could increase attendance. A study by the National Student Support Accelerator at Stanford …

AI Jobs: Adapt and Learn

Worth keeping Ruben Hassid’s assertion below in mind for AI…but what evidence is there he is right? Or wrong? Steam engines freaked out the strong. Printing presses put scribes out of business. Cars replaced horse-drawn carriages. Computers got rid of filing cabinets. Light bulbs switched off gas …

3-2-1: Parental Rights in Education

3 Ideas I. “Parental rights in education are essential for fostering a collaborative environment between families and schools, but they must be balanced with the educational standards and the rights of all students to receive a comprehensive education.” II. “The involvement of …

Generating Images with Perplexity Pro

I have relied on Perplexity Pro ($20 or $10 with this referral link) for awhile now, but had not given much thought or exploration time to the image generation features. That is, until today when Dr. Dru Stevenson asked me on Mastodon, “will it generate images?” The answer, as you can …

#AI: Towards a Sense of Ethics

Doug Johnson introduced me to a new quote from Christopher Hitchens. I’d first run into Hitchen’s Razor, which goes like this: What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. That’s a great quote and one of the first that went into my notebook on …

MyNotes: Trashing the Earth #ClimateChange

What a warm winter it’s been. That’s on top of a hot hot hot summer. It’s no coincidence that this chart from the University of Maine reflects rising sea surface temperatures. What an eye opening post with data that should make everyone sit up and take notice. Check out the lead on …

3-2-1: The Cost of Higher Education

Paying for college as I approach retirement isn’t something I hoped for, but it is something that became necessary. I always knew I would be paying for, or assisting my children, in paying for college. Not earning a degree has never been an option. In fact, I always encouraged my children to …

The Obstacle is The Way...and there is more than one #stoicism #stoic

Have you encountered obstacles in achieving your goal? Do you imagine that once you achieve a certain pinnacle, it will all be OK from that point forward? No more issues or things getting in your way of being happy or worry-free? That’s not how life works, but you know, I thought it was for a …

Video: Logical Fallacies

Open Culture features a video on logical fallacies. They say: a rapid-fire introduction to many more logical fallacies, look no further than the video above. In 11 minutes, you will come across ones you may not have known about before….

3-2-1: Abnormal Florida Fish Behavior #ClimateChange

Could this be due to climate change? Or is something else going on? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Wednesday that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission had received reports of “abnormal fish behavior, including spinning and whirling” affecting roughly 40 …

MyNotes: Pew Research on Teaching

Yep. Accurate. More than half (52%) of educators tell Pew Research Center that “they would not advise a young person starting out today to become a teacher,” according to a survey of more than 2,500 educators conducted in the fall of 2023. Read more

MyNotes: Carl Sagan

This is a book I need to read by Carl Sagan…”The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.” Some quotes appear below. I will add to them over time… “I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and …

MyNotes: Carl Sagan

This is a book I need to read by Carl Sagan…”The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.” Some quotes appear below. I will add to them over time… “I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time—when the United States is a service and …

MyNotes: Teacher Pay Incentives Research

…researchers studied what happened in…Dallas, Texas, – when teachers were offered significant pay hikes, ranging from $6,000 to $18,000 a year, to take hard-to-fill jobs. In Dallas, the incentives lured excellent teachers to high-poverty schools. Student performance subsequently skyrocketed so much …

Finding Less Expensive Alternatives to Blog, Podcast, Notes Type Services: A Solution

Imagine if you could get the benefit of a blog platform (5 blogs), bookmarking app with archived copy of website content, podcasting, image hosting, and digital notebook for the price of one. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Here is a chart listing the annual cost of the personal plans for …

MyNotes: AI Leads to Smaller Workforce

“A survey of senior biz executives reveals that 41 percent expect to have a smaller workforce in five years due to the implementation of AI technologies.” via The Register

Louisiana HB 777 : Criminalizing #Librarians and the #ALA

Over at Book Riot, this unbelievable piece of news: HB 777 was introduced March 25 by Representative Kellee Dickerson, who helped fund the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. The bill would criminalize library workers and libraries for joining the American Library Association. The American Library …

MyNotes: Harmful or Helpful, ChatGPT

…use of ChatGPT was likely to develop tendencies for procrastination and memory loss and dampen the students’ academic performance. Finally, academic workload, time pressure, and sensitivity to rewards had indirect effects on students’ outcomes through ChatGPT usage. Read more