Amazing announcement from Perplexity today:

Perplexity Pages, a simple way to turn your research into visually appealing articles. With formatted images and sections, Pages lets you share in-depth knowledge on any topic. Available now for Pro users and rolling out to all users soon!

Creating a Page is easy - log into your Perplexity account, head to your Library to create a Page. Choose your topic, and let Pages guide you through the content creation process on desktop. While Pages creation is desktop-only currently, you’ll be able to view created Pages on mobile too.

Make it a habit to conclude your search journey by transforming your learnings into shareable stories with Perplexity Pages.

More on our blog:

Making My Own

Making Pages is quite easy. As a Perplexity Pro user (get a $10 discount), I was curious to see what Pages would look like.

Steps to Make a Perplexity Pages creation

It’s so easy! Simply select it as an option, then Perplexity will get to work converting everything into a Pages creation.

When it’s done, you can choose to add media, which will give you a screen like this one:

Here are some examples:

Example #1: Human Brain Question

if I could turn a question I had earlier today, Are human brains engaging in serial over parallel processing? My guess had been the former, but less of the latter. Turns out I was wrong. I had another think coming.

You can see the Pages creation from Perplexity I made here.

Example #2: Done with Teaching, Career Change

This next example came up as a question in a Facebook group for Middle School Science Teachers, and I realized they didn't have access to an AI or maybe had not thought of asking an AI for help.

I went ahead and published a Page with an image, but hated the AI goofiness, so I selected new media, as you can see below:

That gave me a different result. See this page example


Publishing a page is pretty easy, too.

Given how much I use Perplexity to find stuff and share it, this is going to come in quite handy.