Interesting article, What Brain Science Says about Teaching Teens via EdSurge, on teenage brains. More details on effective teaching appear afterwards.

Here’s an AI generated 3-2-1 summary:

Summary of Key Ideas from the Article

3 Facts:

  1. Adolescent Brain Development: The article highlights that the teenage brain undergoes significant development, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and complex thinking.
  2. Emotional Sensitivity: Teenagers are more emotionally sensitive due to heightened activity in the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center, making them more reactive to emotional stimuli.
  3. Learning Strategies: Effective teaching strategies for teenagers include incorporating social interaction, providing opportunities for autonomy, and using real-world applications to make learning more relevant and engaging.


  1. “The teenage brain is like a car with a fully functioning gas pedal (the amygdala) but weak brakes (the prefrontal cortex).”
  2. “Educators can harness the power of social learning by creating collaborative projects that allow students to work together and learn from each other.”

1 Question:

  • How can educators balance the need for structure with the teenage desire for autonomy in the classroom?



Effective Teaching Strategies

Strategy Description Source
Chunking Breaking down large pieces of information into smaller, manageable chunks to aid comprehension and retention. [1][8][14]
Turn and Talk Allowing students to discuss concepts with peers to reinforce understanding and retention. [1][8][12]
Use of Technology Integrating purposeful technology to promote critical thinking and problem-solving. [1]
Collaborative Learning Encouraging students to work together to enhance learning through social interaction. [1][6]
Active Learning Engaging students in activities that require them to actively process and apply information. [14]
Movement and Physical Activity Incorporating physical activity to improve focus, attention, and cognitive function. [5][8]
Emotional Engagement Creating an emotional connection with the subject matter to enhance memory and learning. [5]
Positive Learning Environment Establishing a supportive and nurturing classroom atmosphere to boost motivation and attention. [5][8]
Teaching Neuroplasticity Educating students about how their brains work and the concept of neuroplasticity to empower them to take control of their learning. [2][7]
Practical Optimism Setting achievable goals and providing regular feedback to foster a positive sense of agency. [2]
Modeling Appropriate Risk Demonstrating problem-solving and metacognitive strategies to encourage safe risk-taking in learning. [2]
Retrieval Practice Encouraging students to recall information to strengthen memory pathways. [15]
Spaced Practice Distributing learning over time to improve retention and understanding. [15]
Metacognitive Strategies Teaching students to think about their own thinking processes to enhance learning and problem-solving skills. [7][15]
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Integrating SEL to help students manage emotions, set goals, and develop interpersonal skills. [18]
Growth Mindset Encouraging a mindset that abilities can be developed through effort and learning from mistakes. [17]
Use of Visual Elements Incorporating visual aids to support learning and retention. [8]
Brain Breaks Providing short breaks to reduce cognitive load and improve focus. [8]
Concept Mapping Using diagrams to visually organize and represent knowledge. [12]

These strategies are designed to align with how the brain naturally processes and retains information, making learning more effective and engaging for students.


[1] Leveraging the Science Behind the Middle School Brain in your ……

[2] Teaching to the Teenage Brain - ASCD…

[3] Power of the Adolescent Brain | Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.…

[4] Research Spotlight: New Discoveries on How Teenage Brains ……

[5] Eric Jensen’s Methods in “Teaching with the Brain in Mind” - LinkedIn…

[6] The Teen Brain: How Schools Can Help Students Manage Emotions ……

[7] The Teenage Brain Is Wired to Learn—So Make Sure Your Students ……

[8] Five Brain-Based Learning Strategies to Boost Learning - Edmentum…

[9] Brain Power: Teaching Strategies Backed by Cognitive Science…

[10] An Innovative Strategy for Cultivating Effective Study Skills - PubMed

[11] Secrets of the teenage brain: a psychologist’s guide for teachers…

[12] Brain-Based Learning: 15 Strategies to Improve Student Learning ……

[13] 10 Most Effective Tips For Using Brain-Based Teaching & Learning…

[14] 6 brain-based learning strategies that can boost teen learning…

[15] How Brain Science Transformed the Way I Teach…

[16] Education Technology Guides - EdSurge…

[17] Whole-brain Teaching Strategies for the Diverse College Classroom…

[18] Teenage Brains Are Elastic. That’s a Big Opportunity for Social ……

[19] Guiding Young People Not to Colleges or Careers — But to Good ……

[20] Common Sense Survey: Homework Gets More Digital for Teens and ……