What are some of the problems with AI in schools? How would you resolve them?

  1. The Student’s Warning:
  • A high school student warns you, a school board member, about the potential negative impacts of AI chatbots on student writing. Will you take action to address these concerns, or will you allow AI chatbots to become a permanent fixture in classrooms, changing the nature of student expression?
  1. Crafting AI Policies:
  • With no specific state guidance, you and your school district colleagues are racing to finalize the AI policy before the new school year. Will you succeed in creating a comprehensive policy, or will the lack of state direction lead to inconsistent approaches across schools?
  1. The Role of Turnitin:
  • Your school district plans to use Turnitin to detect AI-generated content in student work. As the school year begins, will Turnitin effectively safeguard against AI-generated submissions, or will students find ways to bypass the system?
  1. The Future of Student Interaction:
  • You notice that AI chatbots might alter how students interact, making them overly reliant on algorithms. As the school year progresses, will your students lose their ability to express themselves authentically, or will they find a balance between using AI tools and maintaining their individuality?
  1. The Cheating Conundrum
  • You discover that students are using AI to generate essays, raising concerns about academic integrity. How will you adapt your assignments to prevent cheating?
  1. The Privacy Predicament
  • An AI-powered educational app you recommended collects student data without proper consent. What happens when a data breach occurs?
  1. The Bias Blunder
  • An AI system your school district uses for student assessment exhibits racial bias. How will you address this issue?
  1. The Addiction Affliction
  • You notice that your students are becoming overly reliant on AI-assisted learning tools. What consequences will this have on their critical thinking skills?
  1. The Misinformation Mayhem
  • AI chatbots provide your students with inaccurate information. How will you combat the spread of misinformation in your classroom?
  1. The Cyberbullying Crisis
  • You discover that your students are using AI to create deepfake videos of their classmates. What steps will you take to prevent this new form of cyberbullying?
  1. The Equity Enigma
  • You realize that AI-driven personalized learning is widening the achievement gap between your advantaged and disadvantaged students. How will you ensure equal access to quality education?
  1. The Attention Attrition
  • The AI-powered educational games you introduced prove too engaging, distracting your students from other crucial learning activities. How will you strike a balance?
  1. The Privacy Paradox
  • The AI-based proctoring software your school uses raises concerns about student privacy during remote exams. What happens when your students refuse to use the software?
  1. The Unemployment Unease
  • As AI takes over certain teaching tasks, you and your fellow educators fear job losses. How will you adapt to this changing landscape?
  1. The Creativity Crisis
  • You notice that your students' over-reliance on AI for problem-solving is stifling their creativity. What long-term effects will this have on innovation?
  1. The Emotional Disconnect
  • The AI tutors you introduced lack empathy and emotional intelligence. How will this impact your students' well-being and mental health?
  1. The Accessibility Abyss
  • You discover that the AI-driven educational tools you’re using fail to cater to your students with disabilities. What steps will you take to ensure inclusivity?
  1. The Technophobia Trap
  • Some of your colleagues resist AI integration due to lack of training. How will you help bridge this digital divide among educators?
  1. The Ethics Enigma
  • Your students start using AI to generate deepfake videos for class projects. What ethical guidelines will you put in place for AI use in assignments?
  1. The Algorithmic Antagonism
  • You realize that the AI algorithms used for student grouping and class placement are inadvertently reinforcing existing social cliques and hierarchies. How will you ensure that AI fosters inclusivity and diversity in your classroom?