In previous blog entries, I shared a list of AI fears. Did those fears have any evidence? This is part 4 where I share the AI fear and an AI’s response with AI evidence. Skeptical? Good. I won’t mention the problem with confirmation bias, only remind you of Trecek-King’s quote:

“We think we follow evidence to a conclusion. In reality, we come to our beliefs in irrational ways, then work backwards to find evidence to rationalize the belief.” -Melanie Trecek-King,

So, with that in mind, here’s the fear and the AI evidence. In previous blogs, I relied on Perplexity and Claude AIs. In this one, I’ll use (ugh).

Read the series here:


One of the tough things to comprehend is that AI can replace the work trained professionals do. It can do it effortlessly under the right tutelage and with the right prompts. This means that people’s work product, what they get paid to produce (as opposed to being paid to reason) is easy to replace. With one person and an AI, I may get away with cutting a few other jobs.

It’s not hard to imagine AI robots eventually taking over physical tasks that are dull, repetitive, and which employ low-skilled workers. Worse, we can easily imagine AI using its own power to leapfrog from advancement to advancement to replace jobs that involve creation of some work product.

AI’s Response

Here is the information in markdown format:

Evidence of AI replacing people’s functions


Automation of repetitive and routine tasks

  • Studies have shown that AI and automation can already perform tasks such as:
    • Data entry
    • Bookkeeping
    • Customer service with high accuracy and speed.
  • According to a McKinsey report, up to 45% of work activities can be automated using currently available technology.

AI-powered tools and systems

  • AI-powered tools and systems are being developed and implemented in various industries, such as:
    • Healthcare
    • Finance
    • Transportation to perform tasks that were previously done by humans.
  • For example, AI-powered diagnostic tools can:
    • Analyze medical images
    • Diagnose diseases with high accuracy, potentially replacing some tasks performed by radiologists and doctors.

Job displacement and economic disruption

  • The rise of automation and AI has been linked to job displacement and economic disruption in various industries, such as:
    • Manufacturing
    • Transportation
  • According to a report by the Economic Policy Institute, automation has been responsible for the loss of around 1.5 million manufacturing jobs in the United States between 2000 and 2017.

Advancements in AI capabilities

  • AI systems are rapidly advancing in areas such as:
    • Natural language processing
    • Computer vision
    • Machine learning enabling them to perform complex tasks that were previously thought to be the exclusive domain of humans.
  • For example, AI-powered language translation tools can now:
    • Translate languages in real-time, potentially replacing human translators in some contexts.

It’s important to note that while AI has the potential to automate and replace certain tasks and functions, it also has the potential to create new job opportunities and enhance productivity in various industries. The key is to ensure that workers have the skills and training needed to adapt to an increasingly automated workforce. You can copy and paste this into any markdown-compatible platform.