It’s all about your privacy perspective, isn’t it? Free account? Expect none to little privacy, or whatever suits the vendor. Pro user? A possibility of privacy protection.

Let’s juxtapose Ruben Hassid’s reaction to AI-powered video avatar with Perspective AI’s disclaimer to free users. See anything we should be concerned about?

Ruben’s Response

This is what I need.

Someone I can talk to. Someone I can fail with. Someone I can never feel ashamed.

This is why AI has a bright future.

It’s the doctor you can tell everything. It’s the language tutor you can be bad with. It’s the assistant who has no emotion or experience.

And sometimes, that’s exactly what you’re looking for.

Well, ok. Sure, we are all looking for that level of freedom. But there are consequences. This could be a comic right? Me, my AI, and any business who wants to buy my interactions. Oops…data breach?

Does $20 a month REALLY cover it?

Perspective AI’s Message to Free Users

Here is their message to users after you create a free account:

Before you carry on We’re working hard to offer a free option for all your generative AI needs. However, to keep the lights on and provide you with an awesome experience, we need to cover some costs.

That’s why we have two membership options: Free and Pro.

As a Free user, keep in mind that:

Your prompts and outputs might be used to train new AI models. We might sell your prompts and outputs to third parties. Don’t worry, we won’t share your personal info like email, age, or location - only the inputs and outputs from AI models.

As a Pro user, you get extra perks:

● Your data, prompts, and outputs are safe with us - we won’t sell them to anyone. You’re in control - you can cancel your membership anytime. Note that if your account was created prior to this message, no data will be sold or used.

● Advanced functionalities such as longer context, faster load time, multi model side by side answers and more.

Privacy is a perk. I would keep that in mind before telling it everything. Perhaps, it is inevitable. If so, our privacy andvlives are in the hands of people and companies doing everything they can to make money off of us, the consumer.

Screenshots of Perspective AI Declaration and Ruben’s Post

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