Another Think Coming

A Blogging Resurgence?

Establishing a writing hub, a space to save your digital writing, has become all the more necessary. There are several reasons why, one of which Guy LeCharles Gonzalez describes below: Writers who write just to write and share their work still benefit from having a main hub. I lost so much writing …

MyNotes: Listening and Reading to #CriticalThinking #education #mgshare

Looking for amazing books to read? Well, so am I! I found myself on a bit of a buying spree when it comes to books these past few days, probably since I spent so much time in waiting rooms with a family member. As much as I love reading on my phone, I found myself longing for a paper book without …

Handwriting: Extra Processing Helps Your Brain

The more research I read, the less inclined I am to reach for a keyboard when taking notes. That’s because our brain makes more connections when we do things with pen and paper than with digital equivalents.  “The students who were taking longhand notes in our studies had to be more selective. …

MyNotes: Critical Thinking and Knowledge

Here are some quick takeaways from Why Content Knowledge is Crucial to Effective Critical Thinkingby Jill Barshay. My Notes To help student see analogies, “show students two solved problems with different surface structures but the same deep structure and ask them to compare them,”  Williingham …

Fantastical Thinking: Christian Nationalism

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash Quoting Greg Olear and Benjamin Cremer, William Lindsey shares the following via two Mastodon posts I couldn’t pass up: “The Christian Nationalists’ God is petty, insecure, cruel, authoritarian. Their God, like their favored presidential candidate, demands …

How To Survive the AI Job Apocalypse

How do you survive the AI Job Apocalypse that’s coming? For many of us in education or related fields, it’s clear that there’s a shift coming. I have often heard about how AI is going to change everything, impact every aspect of our lives, and leave many of us unemployed. I seldom …

What We Think is True

Photo by Emily Pottiger on Unsplash This was quite succinct explanation of the Scientific Method’s use and the obstacles human brains encounter when attempting to do so: The scientific method is how humans figure out how our universe works. Done correctly, it controls for the all-too-human …

MyNotes: How the Word is Passed

Note: This is another book that really shifted my thinking and opened my eyes to the history of the United States. As an American citizen born abroad (Panama), I absorbed America’s FALSE histories in private, Catholic school education. When the author of Lies My Teacher Told Me discusses the …

MyNotes: Exploring History and Culturally Responsive Teaching

“Sure, have a bite, Adam, it’s OK to eat,” said the fantastical character, Eve, in that book all of us have read at some point or another. Of course, it was the book of Genesis, an origin story that in one fell swoop, painted women as creatures of temptation and consorting with …

Alexa and Siri, Can't You Be More #AI?

These days, I’m more apt to reach for Pro app over Siri or Alexa to answer questions. This video above is what I’m looking for Alexa and Siri…Not So Awesome I don’t want to call them “dumb,” I only find myself wishing for a more knowledgeable …

MyNotes: Cassandra Speaks

Note: This is one of my most cherished MyNotes on a book. It really shifted my perspective on this topic. Image Credit: Good News Planet While reading my twitter feed one evening (or was it early morning), I stumbled upon a book reference for Elizabeth Lesser’s Cassandra Speaks. I was …

AI Quandary in Schools

Source: MS CoPilot generated As powerful, useful, and helpful as AI is, my thoughts are divided as to introducing it to K-12 students. It may be hypocritical to say teachers should use it, but withhold it from students. Nearly 9 in 10 educators feel that students should be taught how AI works in a …

Emotionally Intelligent People Use These 27 Expressions At Work and Avoid These 13 Insensitive Ones #mgshare #EmotionalIntelligence

Crowding my feeds and digital magazines are these pernicious, worthless articles that are entitled, “Three words emotionally intelligent people use…” Or, “A list of phrases you can avoid and show your emotional intelligence.” There must be dozens of these articles …

Learning Something Anew

Earlier this year (2024), I found myself looking at my print notebooks, aghast. How ugly my print writing is! If you’ve ever had to read my print, you’ll find it nigh illegible. Of course, chances are, if you saw my cursive, you’d think I was a doctor. At that moment, I made a …


Publishing your own work can be difficult, not that I’d know. I’ve read the story from others going through the ordeal several times. Jonathan Moeller, one of my favorite authors (I own all his books, so yeah, favorite), has detailed the process and the benefits. He writes: …end …

AI Expertise Over Tech Jobs

This was an eye opener… Firms in the tech sector and beyond went on a hiring spree after the onset of the pandemic before pivoting to a focus on efficiency through layoffs and other cost-cutting measures. New listings of AI-related jobs are rising, year-over-year, while tech job listings are …

A Few More Formula Writing Ideas

Every few years, I revisit or reshare the list article. The reason why is simple. I don’t want to lose a reminder of how I got my start in publishing my writing. But there are other formulas for writing. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash The Power of a Formula If you start out with a blank …

MyNotes: Phonics Instruction

As much as I loved my graduate level professors, I have found their approach to teaching reading…problematic. I remember beginning my year teaching third grade bilingual, working with children who needed to learn to read in English. At the time, as I was prepping my classroom in the portable …

#Writing, Structured #CriticalThinking and #AI #ChatGPT #edtech #education

Given the resource I shared about writing outside earlier, I wondered if students might find writing outside more meaningful. Also, given how easy AI makes it to generate text, I can see how this Jacobson quote below might resonate strongly with educators and others who think, “Ya, para …

Save a Life - #Free #LifeSaving #CPR #AED Training

Want to save a life? Get free training in CPR, AED, or First Aid via Save a Life. It’s a temporary offer and the free code could disappear at any time. A colleague shared: Save a Life is offering CPR, AED, and First Aid training for free. Sign up at… Once completed, you …

The List Article Revisited

My favorite approach to writing? It’s pretty easy to follow. When I walked into the bookstore–which was attached to the conference building I was presenting–in Dallas, I had no idea what book I’d find that would have a lasting influence on my writing. The 1990’s book, …

Writing Outside: A Resource

Looking for writing prompts for nature? These YpsiWrites folks have put together a series of prompts or writing resources you can get as a book. YpsiWrites The website offers a lot of nifty resources: Are you looking for writing activities, tips, or ideas on how to start writing? Our wide-array of …

Making Custom GPTs with ChatGPT Plus #education #edtech #tcea

Wanting to explore ChatGPT Plus and have even more fun with AI? Wait, before you say, “No, AI is destroying everything!” take a moment to learn how to use it in ways that can be useful to your workflow. Sure, it’s a quick how-to article that could assist you in boosting your …

Time Is Short: Sign Up to Present at #TCEA's ETC 2024 Today #edtech #education #conference

“Should your PreK-5 student be using that technology?” It’s a question that pops up in my head every time I’m out eating and see a device babysitting a child. Since I had a different point of view many years ago, it’s clear I had another think coming. Arguing with Your …

Token Latino?

While chatting with a colleague, they made the following observation about my work as a K-12 educator in educational technology. I found it a fascinating perspective and insight. So, I wrote it down, waited a few years before sharing it online. ;-) At the end, I share the results of The Orwell Test …