In an upcoming blog entry on evolution attitudes changing, I cite some info from the National Center for Science Education. I ran into the group on Facebook, so I was curious as to whether it was a reputable organization. You might enjoy their Misconception of the Month.

Prompt to AI: Is the National Center for Science Education a reputable organization?

A pretty straightforward question.

Ask Perplexity Pro

So, I asked Perplexity Pro to see what it might come up with. This is what it came up with. Information between the lines is AI response:

Yes, the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is considered a reputable organization. According to Media Bias Fact Check, the NCSE is rated as a pro-science source with high factual reporting and high credibility[1]. The organization is recognized for its advocacy for science education and support for the consensus of science. It is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1981 and is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The NCSE’s mission is to educate the press and the public on the scientific and educational aspects of controversies surrounding the teaching of evolution and climate change, and to provide information and resources to support these topics in public school science education[1][2].

The NCSE is funded through donations from individuals and science foundations and does not use emotional words, respecting the consensus of experts in the given scientific field[1]. It is also described as the United States' “leading anti-creationist organization,” promoting science in classrooms and providing resources to teachers[2]. The organization has a history of opposing the teaching of religious views in science classes in America’s public schools and is involved in various activities and programs to support science education[2].

Furthermore, the NCSE conducts high-quality research to better understand science education and has been involved in significant legal cases such as Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, which tested the constitutionality of intelligent design in public school science classes[2][3]. The organization also publishes peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, and news related to science education[2].

In summary, the NCSE’s long-standing commitment to promoting and defending science education, its affiliation with respected scientific organizations, and its active role in research and advocacy all contribute to its reputation as a credible and reputable organization in the field of science education[1][2][3].

Citations:’s Response

Since I was curious about’s (Opus Pro version), I asked the same question and got this response:

The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is a non-profit organization based in the United States that defends the teaching of science, particularly evolution and climate change, in public schools. They are generally considered reputable by the scientific community for their work in combating misinformation and promoting science education.

Some key facts about the NCSE:

  1. It was founded in 1981 and has been actively involved in supporting teachers and schools facing challenges to teaching evolution and climate change.

  2. The organization is endorsed by many scientific societies, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Science Teachers Association.

  3. NCSE provides resources, support, and expertise to teachers, schools, and other organizations to help them teach science accurately and effectively.

  4. The staff and board of directors include many respected scientists, educators, and legal experts in the fields of evolutionary biology, climate science, and science education.

  5. Critics of the NCSE often come from groups that oppose the teaching of evolution or question the scientific consensus on climate change. However, the NCSE’s positions align with the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence and the consensus of experts in relevant fields.

Overall, while no organization is immune to criticism, the National Center for Science Education is widely regarded as a reputable advocate for science education by the scientific and educational communities.