Time Saved, An AI Illusion

Will AI really save time overall or just push us to complete tasks more quickly so we can do more tasks without saving time? If you have eight hours, you finish 20 tasks instead of the usual ten, but you still work your full eight hours or more. No time is saved unless you hold to the same total …

Assessment in the Age of AI

This piece in Forbes by Dan Fitzpatrick makes some interesting points about assessment, quoting several educators. I admit that I have not given assessment as much thought as I should when considering AI. A simplistic perspective is that we write to learn and think through ideas. If you take a …

Project 2025: Guidebook for Christian Nationalism

This is concerning: Project 2025 operationalizes the tenets of white Christian nationalism on such issues as climate change, education, immigration, systemic racism, and abortion. To stand silent on the sidelines is to contribute to the harm that will come to democracy and to religion should …

3-2-1: Need to Teach on a Global Hot Topic #ClimateChange #science #ShowYourStripes

New survey info shared today (with me) via the National Center for Science Education, Inc. email: “Eight in ten (80 percent) of people globally called on schools in their country to teach more about climate change, while just 6 percent of people globally said schools should teach less about …

Delaying AI’s Impact On Educators

Can legislation slow a technology innovation? That is the question implied in a post by Jason Gulya with the screenshot of California above. It does seem a way for politicians to look effective while not doing anything substantive and long-lasting This is an issue brought dramatically to everyone’s …

Redacting Science: #Texas Censorship

A school district in Houston {Cypress-Fairbaks ISD} has voted to redact chapters on vaccines and climate change, and parents and educators are worried Via Erum Salam, The Guardian I have to agree with this assessment from PEN America of this act: “A narrow ideological viewpoint is reshaping …

Authentic Writing vs AI Writing

Is it safe to say, without evidence, that most writers don’t write for the pleasure alone, but for money? And if they write for money, as part of their work or to publish, then their end goal is financial remuneration, so they can make a living wage? (No, no it is not…see note at the end of this …

AI Fears: #AI is Not Friend to Higher Education Professors #HigherEd #Education #EdTech #AI

I have to admit I love the doom and gloom of this article, Memo to Faculty: AI is not your friend. A FlowChart: Stages of AI Adoption in Higher Education For fun, I cooked up this chart in Mermaid code (so much fun!): Key Points Some key points from the article as identified by Claude.ai; my …

Concealed Handguns in TN Schools

What do you think? More guns in schools or not? My opinion is simple. Given the choice of being unarmed and facing an active shooter, it would be better to be armed. But most active shooters arrive well-armed with assault rifles. Would a pistol be sufficient? Tennessee Passes Bill to Allow Teachers …

AI In Schools: Misalignment of Values

Image source: Someone in a Facebook ChatGPT for Teachers group Great news, right? Custom GPTs will be usable by free users of ChatGPT, those custom GPTs will no longer be behind a paywall. The letter above was shared by an educator who is creating custom GPTs for his K-12 students to use. Can vs …

AI: Privacy is a Perk

It’s all about your privacy perspective, isn’t it? Free account? Expect none to little privacy, or whatever suits the vendor. Pro user? A possibility of privacy protection. Let’s juxtapose Ruben Hassid’s reaction to AI-powered video avatar with Perspective AI’s disclaimer to free users. See anything …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 4

In previous blog entries, I shared a list of AI fears. Did those fears have any evidence? This is part 4 where I share the AI fear and an AI’s response with AI evidence. Skeptical? Good. I won’t mention the problem with confirmation bias, only remind you of Trecek-King’s quote: …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 3

In a previous blog entry, I shared a list of AI fears. But, when I ran it through Trecek-King’s FLOATER acronym, the AI megaprompt suggested that while well-reasoned, the fears lacked evidence. Of course, it’s not that the fears lacked evidence, but that MY original post was missing …

Attracting GenZ to Teaching

In this article, EdSurge asks , how to attract GenZ to Teaching. But the article went on and on…so a summary of tactics via Perplexity helped cut through the words. I hope you find it useful…. What Would It Take to Attract Gen Z to Teaching? Early Exposure: Increase participation in …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 2

In my previous blog entry, I shared a list of AI fears. But, when I ran it through Trecek-King’s FLOATER acronym, the AI megaprompt suggested that while well-reasoned, the fears lacked evidence. Of course, it’s not that the fears lacked evidence, but that MY original post was missing …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 1

In an online course I co-developed, an educator wrote via AI the following question: What are we so afraid of in education that would make us not embrace this new technology in order to educate the future leaders of our world? A quick aside: Wow, it’s been so long since I posted something …

MyNotes: Writing by Hand

The verdict is in…again? it takes a lot more brainpower, as well as cross-talk between brain areas, to write than type. That’s a good thing for our brains. Not so much for the edtech industry which counts on selling devices to schools. My Notes Writing by hand…improves memory and recall of words, …

On AI-Generated Content

I don’t disagree with this… For my own part, I see no problem with AI-generated content if it’s accurate, well-written, and not intended to deceive. Via Stephen Downes, Stephen’s Web, OLDaily

The Fortune Cookie

“Working out the kinks today will make for a better tomorrow.” - Fortune Cookie A conversation earlier this week highlighted that there are times when a fast response isn’t the best one. As one gets older, it’s easy to look back and ask, “How might I have handled that …

Lack Of Freedom for #Missouri #Texas #Arkansas Women

Ajax and Cassandra by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, 1806 via Wikipedia Why does our culture endorse this approach? Makes me want to read Cassandra Speaks again. Missouri law requires women seeking divorce to disclose whether they’re pregnant — and state judges won’t finalize …

Technology in Schools: A Long History of Issues

Should we even be using AI given the negative impact on climate, the environment, on disadvantaged people? Or, as Helgztech put it so delicately: And you’re comfortable with exploiting the labor of those whose work was scraped to create the AI output? The unacknowledged writers and artists? …

What Starts Here Changes the World #education #politics #protest

This image from by Michael Minasi of KUT Austin is an eye-opener. via Nerve Endings Firing Away

Banning LGBTQ+ Teachers #Texas

“…banning educators who fall under the umbrella of being trans, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming is not only a violation of their rights, but also, it would do a huge disservice to students across the state of Texas.” via KXAN Sigh. Texas. I so agree with statements like this one: “It goes …

Survivor's Guilt: How Do You Handle Coworkers' Layoffs?

In education, I’ve noticed how important is for people to always be upbeat and positive. It’s a bit of a strain having to endure people doing their best to avoid losing it. If something bad happens, it’s important to acknowledge it. “Big” Reasons for Layoffs. What do …

Ads On My Windows 11 Machine?

To offset this foolish trend by Microsoft, I have been testing living 100% in Linux Mint on a Microsoft Surface (take that you ad-monger!). so far, not bad. Microsoft is starting to enable ads inside the Start menu on Windows 11 for all users. After testing these briefly with Windows Insiders …