In this article, EdSurge asks , how to attract GenZ to Teaching. But the article went on and on…so a summary of tactics via Perplexity helped cut through the words. I hope you find it useful….

What Would It Take to Attract Gen Z to Teaching?

  • Early Exposure: Increase participation in high school teaching courses to cultivate early interest in education.
  • Flexibility: Implement flexible scheduling, such as late starts or days off, to improve work-life balance.
  • Support Staff: Hire additional support staff to provide teachers with planning time and opportunities for professional development.
  • Innovative Technology: Integrate innovative technology to make the profession more appealing.
  • Collaboration: Foster a collaborative work environment to attract Gen Z, who value teamwork.
  • Positive Narratives: Promote the positive aspects of teaching to counteract negative perceptions and encourage more students to consider the profession.

er, not convinced

I don’t see much new or different here. That is, nothing that would make a GenZ jump up and say, “Teaching is for me!” The research findings are quite a disappointment. One observation is possible…there’s no one factor that will attract GenZ, and the rest are just old solutions. Consider…

  • Early interest in education. Really? Is “catch ‘em when they’re young” the best option?
  • Flexible scheduling in the face of traditional school scheduling? Not likely. Schools are daycare for many parents while they work, no matter what amazing things teachers make happen during the day in the face of crazy challenges and expectations.
  • Support staff. Well, those poor folks are underpaid, overworked, and soon to be unemployed with ESSER funding drying up and Republican legislators seeking to siphon funding to pay for private charter schools.
  • Innovative technology. We appeared to have a lot of innovative technology during COVID-19, but now the funding that paid for that is disappearing. Perhaps, our commitment for edtech is flagging.
  • Collaboration. The job of a teacher is solitary, “close the door.” I’m not convinced that the school system can be changed to accommodate collaboration, no matter the PLCs, and peer to peer coaching support. We need more radical change that shakes apart Industrial factory model of education.
  • Positive narratives. This is public relations, about as spurious as fostering early interest in education.

We need true reform. Here’s one:

Get rid of politicians interfering in schools Make sure administrators are instructional, not transformational, inspirational, media glory hounds on their way to next superintendency Stop pop reforms that have no research Prohibit technology use that isn’t aligned to evidence-based approaches…by shutting vendors out.

Ah, out of time for a morning screed. Lots to ponder here, in terms of reflecting on my own biases and experiences.