New survey info shared today (with me) via the National Center for Science Education, Inc. email:

“Eight in ten (80 percent) of people globally called on schools in their country to teach more about climate change, while just 6 percent of people globally said schools should teach less about climate change,” according (PDF, p. 14) to a new survey from the United Nations Development Programme.

That’s pretty important since it’s getting hot everywhere. Use the University of Reading’s #ShowYourStripes tool to see changes over time:

3-2-1 on Climate Change Survey Data

Three facts:

  1. Most people want more climate education in schools.
  2. Americans are less keen on climate lessons than others.
  3. Poor countries want climate teaching most.

Two quotes:

  1. “Eight in ten people globally called on schools to teach more about climate change.”
  2. “The proportion of those who wanted more climate education was higher in least developed countries.”

One question:

  • Why do rich countries care less about climate education?