Another Think Coming

Free AI Survey course Available

Announced a few days ago… A free survey course on LLMs, taught by practitioners…[on] Mastering LLMs, a set of workshops and talks from practitioners on topics like evals, retrieval-augmented-generation (RAG), fine-tuning and more. Learn more

MyNotes: Strategies To Apply Post-PD

Summary by The article “Just Did Some Professional Development – Now What?” by Rick Wormeli, hosted on the AMLE website, outlines several strategies educators can use to effectively process and apply the content and skills acquired during professional development (PD) …

AI’s Impact

This chart is a great tool for reflection as all of us use AI and other technology. Via

Belief or Delusion?

How to Write with Style: Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 Keys to the Power of the Written Word – The Marginalian The most damning revelation you can make about yourself is that you do not know what is interesting and what is not.

Not that anyone cares except myself and a few friends, but I added to, and updated, my list of Windows programs, iOS smartphone apps, and browser extensions. Find it online.

MU geoscience camp uplifts girls in STEM

Middle school girls from the Columbia area attended Geoscience Summer Camp for Girls on July 10-11. The camp focused on natural disasters and how geoscientists are able to provide data and aid during these events. The camp is the brainchild of Aída Guhlincozzi, who started it during her grad school …

Deciding to Learn in spite of #AI #education

“…the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting” (Plutarch). Assessment in the face of AI continues to be such a huge concern. This article suggests assessment has been flawed from the beginning and relying on the most convenient approach. That …

Anyone know how to post Bookmarks via RSS or get an RSS feed for Bookmarks?

Time Saved, An AI Illusion

Will AI really save time overall or just push us to complete tasks more quickly so we can do more tasks without saving time? If you have eight hours, you finish 20 tasks instead of the usual ten, but you still work your full eight hours or more. No time is saved unless you hold to the same total …

Assessment in the Age of AI

This piece in Forbes by Dan Fitzpatrick makes some interesting points about assessment, quoting several educators. I admit that I have not given assessment as much thought as I should when considering AI. A simplistic perspective is that we write to learn and think through ideas. If you take a …

Project 2025: Guidebook for Christian Nationalism

This is concerning: Project 2025 operationalizes the tenets of white Christian nationalism on such issues as climate change, education, immigration, systemic racism, and abortion. To stand silent on the sidelines is to contribute to the harm that will come to democracy and to religion should …

Yikes, AI is Coming for Your Data

We may use the information we collect and publicly available information to help train our machine learning or artificial intelligence models for the purposes outlined in this policy. Via When the Terms of Service Change to Make Way for A.I. Training - The New York Times Lets You Organize Chats into Projects

Woohoo, as you can see above, Claude now lets you organize your chat support documents, or whatever you want to call them, into “Projects.” Here’s an explainer video from on the subject. An explanation from Claude: Projects help organize your work and leverage knowledge …

Quote: Books

For 99 percent of the tenure of humans on earth, nobody could read or write. The great invention had not yet been made. Except for firsthand experience, almost everything we knew was passed on by word of mouth. As in the children’s game “Telephone,” over tens and hundreds of …

3-2-1: The Unknown Toll of AI

This morning, while reading this response on Threads on my new, consolidated account, I found myself wondering, “How many resources does Perplexity, or Claude or ChatGPT, consume when I ask a simple question, like, ‘What’s the scientific consensus on XYZ?” And, should I even …

What the Hand Does...

“What the hand does, the mind remembers." Not sure where I ran into this quote, but what a cool quote it is. Of course, it’s a reference to handwriting and all that. Last week, when I started looking for more information about handwriting, I realized that I had bits of handwriting …

Image: On Scientists and Horror

Texas’ Teacher Org, ATPE Data Breach

This is crazy, shocking, even if data breaches are the new inevitable normal: More than 400,000 have data leaked in cyberattack on Texas education organization, ATPE …the incident affected 426,280 people — including members of the organization, employees and their dependents. …Social Security …

3-2-1: Need to Teach on a Global Hot Topic #ClimateChange #science #ShowYourStripes

New survey info shared today (with me) via the National Center for Science Education, Inc. email: “Eight in ten (80 percent) of people globally called on schools in their country to teach more about climate change, while just 6 percent of people globally said schools should teach less about …

Putting Claude 3.5 Sonnet Through Its Paces

Anthropic’s Claude launches a new AI model, Claude 3.5. reports: Claude 3.5 Sonnet sets new industry benchmarks, outperforming competitor models like OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro, as well as Anthropic’s own Claude 3 Opus, across various …

Miscellaneous Utilities (MISCUT): Windows OS

“What should I load on my new Windows computer?” asked a friend, knowing I would have an opinion. I started to make a list, then realized, I could do one better. In this blog entry, find my list of preferred Windows tools, Browser extensions, and iOS smartphone apps. Feel free to post …

Delaying AI’s Impact On Educators

Can legislation slow a technology innovation? That is the question implied in a post by Jason Gulya with the screenshot of California above. It does seem a way for politicians to look effective while not doing anything substantive and long-lasting This is an issue brought dramatically to everyone’s …

Embracing The Experience in the Face of AI Ease

This piece about AI in education is one I find myself agreeing with. Whether you call it “friction” or “productive struggle,” there IS value in the experience of learning slow. Consider these quotes: The question has left me wondering if in our pursuit of reducing the time it takes to do things, …

Redacting Science: #Texas Censorship

A school district in Houston {Cypress-Fairbaks ISD} has voted to redact chapters on vaccines and climate change, and parents and educators are worried Via Erum Salam, The Guardian I have to agree with this assessment from PEN America of this act: “A narrow ideological viewpoint is reshaping …