This piece about AI in education is one I find myself agreeing with. Whether you call it “friction” or “productive struggle,” there IS value in the experience of learning slow.

Consider these quotes:

The question has left me wondering if in our pursuit of reducing the time it takes to do things, we’ve forgotten to consider the value of the experience we gain in the time it takes to do them. …as I look at a hard task done well, I feel good — more alive somehow. I know…myself better.

There’s a term I love that gets at this idea.“Meraki” is a Greek word that describes “doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put ‘something of yourself’ into what you’re doing.” I find it interesting that so many of the things I’ve learned that matter to me the most were hard. They took effort. They took time. Learning them was rewarding. via Evi Wusk, EdSurge

Wusk cited several examples, gardening among them. Each requires time and effort. You learn something, do it, reflect. The work is hard, unpleasant, uncomfortable. You wish there was an easier way.

Yet, later, you derive a feeling of accomplishment from it. The experience becomes a part of who you are, you grow in wisdom as a result depending on what lessons you distill.

Without that experience, it would mean little to you. AI may take that away or not. It depends on whether you are wise enough to embrace the experience, or give the opportunity away.