Another Think Coming

#BookReview: Teach Like Socrates #mgshare

Review “Think Like Socrates” is an inspiring guide to using Socratic questioning in the classroom. Peeples shares relatable stories that show how this method sparks curiosity and empathy. She makes a strong case for prioritizing authentic dialogue over rote learning. The book’s …

Go Lyrical

So fun to see one’s work through another’s eyes. I was playing with words, as writers do, and whipped this up late one evening before sleeping. As I read it now, again, I see the driftwood of my past mixing with the incoming tide of change. 🤣 Too much fun. 🤓 In responding to my original comment …

3-2-1: School Shootings and Licensed To Carry

Are you licensed to carry? I often reflect that it’s better to stay home and not go out given the Wild West scenario. But you know what? The Wild West wasn’t this crazy. Schoolhouses were respected. After Sandy Hook, and several other school shootings, it became evident that …

The Problem with Anecdotes #CriticalThinking #Prevagen

Awhile back, I wrote the following about Prevagen, that memory drug commercial. They keep running it when I’m watching television, and it irritates me to no end. No doubt, I’m suffering from frequency illusion, or Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. After you read this blog entry, you will suffer …

UT at Austin Lays Off #DEI Employees #Texas #fascism

This is unbelievable but oh so bad. Vote them out isn’t working. The University of Texas at Austin has laid off dozens employees who used to work in diversity, equity and inclusion programs. The university fired about 60 people and some the offices where they worked are expected to close by May …

Interrogate Your Anger

“How do you stay so calm?” It’s a question I get often. The truth is, there are times when I have to master my temper before it results in something bad. Staying in better shape, being more in touch with my emotions, helps me do that. It’s gotten better over time, but these …

#DailyHaikuPrompt - Silkworm

Source: Britannica Encyclopedia Bred to spin your thread Mindless Imprisonment, yes, Tireless toil defines you #DailyHaikuPrompt 04/01/2024 - Silkworm

The First Story

Transcription: Quote “Most people will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are more inclined to accept the first story they hear. Source: Thucydides Reflection Often, this quote has described my own beliefs, fed to me by loving parents, well-meaning teachers, and printed in …

Banishing the Specter of Personalization

Image Source: Amazon Books Over at The Corridor of Uncertainty, Alastair Creelman highlights the problem of mass personalization. For him, all this personalization comes about as a result of algorithms that offer up what we have chosen in the past. “Today we feel used and manipulated by …

Systematic Disconfirmation: Smartphones in Schools

This is an AI-generated post that applies the process of systematic disconfirmation to smartphones in schools. Mainly, the claim that smartphones enhance rather than detract from learning in the classroom. Applying Systematic Disconfirmation to Smartphone Bans in Schools Identify: Determine the …

A Nightcafe creation

MyNotes: Teach Like Socrates

I loved this quote from Shanna Peeples’ Think Like Socrates: Our students need to ask questions now more than ever. To shield them from thinking and questioning in a mistaken fear of “pulling them off task” is at best wasted effort and at worst an isolation from what truly makes us human. In a …

Tapestry of Thought

In I miss snow, Doug Johnson laments the absence of snow, an old companion and giver of work. He writes of the nerve-wracking snow that plagued his days, longing for it: I now realize that despite its nuisance, I miss snow. . .And even a light cover of snow can give an ethereal beauty to the most …

HW #2: Silence or Absence

HW #1: Sacred Space #handwritten

My first attempt at a handwriting a blog entry…instead of typing it. Follow this category (or not) for future posts without this typed introduction.

Privacy and Encryption Tips

Although it’s often out of our hands due to various services suffering data breaches or compromising our confidential, personally identifiable information, you can still protect yourself to some degree. Here are a few of the things I do: Banking and Credit Get alerts via your bank mobile app …

Hasta la vista, Documents app #iOS #app #skyjos #readdle

Over the last few YEARS, I’ve kept Readdle Documents app on my iOS phone. It’s been a handy app to have and I started using it when it was free. Unfortunately, they’ve switched to a subscription model that is $9.99 a month with recurring billing. While a part of me feels bad about …

Quote: Take the Rest as It Comes #stoicism

These are great suggestions to adopt: Rejoice in what you have, cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of your will, make the best of what is in your power and take the rest as it comes.

3-2-1: SEL and Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Anyone who watched a teacher work through the pandemic, facilitating remote learning, knows how important teacher-student relationships are. There are people out there, though, who think kids are being indoctrinated at school. Unfortunately, some see SEL as a problem: “What’s clear is that there is …

MyNotes: Three signs You’re a Scientific Thinker

I often think that I will be learning about and how to apply critical thinking for the rest of my life. 🤣 3 Signs You’re a Scientific Thinker You follow the evidence. Philosopher David Hume stated, “A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.” You know which evidence is trustworthy and …

Play Climate Change Bingo - #AI #ClimateChange #Education #mgshare

Watching news on television, reading articles about how the melting polar ice caps are changing the Earth’s mass enough to affect how our clocks, I have to admit, it’s a bit much. It almost makes you wish for a checklist, right? Heatwave Increased hurricanes Forced human migration …

Facebook snooped on users’ Snapchat traffic

Wow, this is…so wrong. Given that Snapchat encrypted the traffic between the app and its servers, this network analysis technique was not going to be effective. This is why Facebook engineers proposed using Onavo, which when activated had the advantage of reading all of the device’s network …

Remembering Daniel Kahnemann: System I and II Thinking Quotes

Bummer. Daniel Kahneman died. He was the author of Thinking, Fast and Slow. You can read an overview here. In a New York Times article about Kahneman, Steven Pinker said of Daniel’s work: “…human reason left to its own devices is apt to engage in a number of fallacies and systematic errors, so if …

Psychics and Pseudoscience (PASTOR)

In every town, there’s a street with a sign board with a huge hand. The hand beckons passersby, hoping to attract their attention. The hope of a response that provides direction draws people in. The desire to get certain information about an uncertain future is a powerful pull for some folks. …

AIDA: Scientific Consensus

I honestly hadn’t ever heard the concept of scientific consensus before reading about it while exploring Melanie Trecek-King’s Thinking Is Power website. There’s so much that seems to have been left out of my education, and I wouldn’t be surprised a lot of folks haven’t …