Louisiana HB 777 : Criminalizing #Librarians and the #ALA

Over at Book Riot, this unbelievable piece of news: HB 777 was introduced March 25 by Representative Kellee Dickerson, who helped fund the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. The bill would criminalize library workers and libraries for joining the American Library Association. The American Library …

Go Lyrical

So fun to see one’s work through another’s eyes. I was playing with words, as writers do, and whipped this up late one evening before sleeping. As I read it now, again, I see the driftwood of my past mixing with the incoming tide of change. 🤣 Too much fun. 🤓 In responding to my original comment …

The Problem with Anecdotes #CriticalThinking #Prevagen

Awhile back, I wrote the following about Prevagen, that memory drug commercial. They keep running it when I’m watching television, and it irritates me to no end. No doubt, I’m suffering from frequency illusion, or Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. After you read this blog entry, you will suffer …

UT at Austin Lays Off #DEI Employees #Texas #fascism

This is unbelievable but oh so bad. Vote them out isn’t working. The University of Texas at Austin has laid off dozens employees who used to work in diversity, equity and inclusion programs. The university fired about 60 people and some the offices where they worked are expected to close by May …

The First Story

Transcription: Quote “Most people will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are more inclined to accept the first story they hear. Source: Thucydides Reflection Often, this quote has described my own beliefs, fed to me by loving parents, well-meaning teachers, and printed in …

Banishing the Specter of Personalization

Image Source: Amazon Books Over at The Corridor of Uncertainty, Alastair Creelman highlights the problem of mass personalization. For him, all this personalization comes about as a result of algorithms that offer up what we have chosen in the past. “Today we feel used and manipulated by …

Tapestry of Thought

In I miss snow, Doug Johnson laments the absence of snow, an old companion and giver of work. He writes of the nerve-wracking snow that plagued his days, longing for it: I now realize that despite its nuisance, I miss snow. . .And even a light cover of snow can give an ethereal beauty to the most …

Hasta la vista, Documents app #iOS #app #skyjos #readdle

Over the last few YEARS, I’ve kept Readdle Documents app on my iOS phone. It’s been a handy app to have and I started using it when it was free. Unfortunately, they’ve switched to a subscription model that is $9.99 a month with recurring billing. While a part of me feels bad about …

Play Climate Change Bingo - #AI #ClimateChange #Education #mgshare

Watching news on television, reading articles about how the melting polar ice caps are changing the Earth’s mass enough to affect how our clocks, I have to admit, it’s a bit much. It almost makes you wish for a checklist, right? Heatwave Increased hurricanes Forced human migration …

Psychics and Pseudoscience (PASTOR)

In every town, there’s a street with a sign board with a huge hand. The hand beckons passersby, hoping to attract their attention. The hope of a response that provides direction draws people in. The desire to get certain information about an uncertain future is a powerful pull for some folks. …

MyNotes: The Scientific Consensus on a Memory Aid Drug

Prevagen…a proven memory aid to help you remember stuff, or a well-funded example of pseudoscience? Consider this popular commercial sharing an anecdote from someone who claims to be a real person (aren’t we all?): Of course, Greg Faley IS a real person. He’s starring in a …

Pencil and Paper...Rules?

Earlier this week, I had a chance to revisit my thoughts on educational technology in the classroom. “We need to get back to pen and paper,” said a colleague today. The statement was a reflection of some of the conversations going on at the State level. A part of me cringed a bit to hear …

Not Intelligent Enough

What a fascinating perspective and from Aldous Huxley. I don’t recall learning about this while reading his book. How funny we learn what made them famous but not what impelled them to greatness. It is man’s intelligence that makes him so often behave more stupidly than the beasts. Man …

AIDA: Chaplains in Schools

Attention “Your teacher said you misbehaved in class. Bow your head and pray for guidance and how you can better behave in class,” said Rev. Johnson, a chaplain at a public school in Texas. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Can you see public schools where your school counselor has been …

NAACP Ban on States with Anti-DEI Policies

What a disappointing development, if not for sports, for America’s claim to prizing diversity: Black college athletes should rethink any decision to attend public colleges and universities in Florida, the NAACP advised in an extraordinary letter issued in response to efforts by Gov. Ron …

Smell The Roses, If You Can

Reading over one of my old blog entries from Around the Corner (I hope to get it back on track at its old web address, mguhlin.org on April 29th or 30th, by the way), I stumbled on this Indian proverb from 2008. It captures an insight into a situation a colleague described. Photo by Annie Spratt on …

SimpleNote Woes, Joplin Revisited: Digital NoteTaking

Wish you had ONE place to post your digital notes? While I keep a handwritten notebook or 10 around the house to keep track of my notes, usually ones that I want to process nice and slow, there are some things you just copy-n-paste. That place, if it’s not a blog, is (or was) my account on …

Clarifying Meaning

I stumbled on a selection of writing earlier today. It had appeared in an online publication that made poor use of it. I ran it through AI and realized, “Wow, this is like uncovering a long buried treasure, cleaning off the grime and seeing it for what it truly is, without layers of interpretation …

Diet Soda Bad, Water Good

Yikes, diet sodas are bad for you. I’m still able to buy them everywhere I go. I may have some of this heart stumping brew in my pantry. Whether you drink diet or regular, it can still impact you: the study indicates that people who drank more than two liters of diet beverages per week were …

A Blogging Resurgence?

Establishing a writing hub, a space to save your digital writing, has become all the more necessary. There are several reasons why, one of which Guy LeCharles Gonzalez describes below: Writers who write just to write and share their work still benefit from having a main hub. I lost so much writing …

MyNotes: Listening and Reading to #CriticalThinking #education #mgshare

Looking for amazing books to read? Well, so am I! I found myself on a bit of a buying spree when it comes to books these past few days, probably since I spent so much time in waiting rooms with a family member. As much as I love reading on my phone, I found myself longing for a paper book without …

MyNotes: How the Word is Passed

Note: This is another book that really shifted my thinking and opened my eyes to the history of the United States. As an American citizen born abroad (Panama), I absorbed America’s FALSE histories in private, Catholic school education. When the author of Lies My Teacher Told Me discusses the …

Emotionally Intelligent People Use These 27 Expressions At Work and Avoid These 13 Insensitive Ones #mgshare #EmotionalIntelligence

Crowding my feeds and digital magazines are these pernicious, worthless articles that are entitled, “Three words emotionally intelligent people use…” Or, “A list of phrases you can avoid and show your emotional intelligence.” There must be dozens of these articles …

Learning Something Anew

Earlier this year (2024), I found myself looking at my print notebooks, aghast. How ugly my print writing is! If you’ve ever had to read my print, you’ll find it nigh illegible. Of course, chances are, if you saw my cursive, you’d think I was a doctor. At that moment, I made a …


Publishing your own work can be difficult, not that I’d know. I’ve read the story from others going through the ordeal several times. Jonathan Moeller, one of my favorite authors (I own all his books, so yeah, favorite), has detailed the process and the benefits. He writes: …end …