So fun to see one’s work through another’s eyes. I was playing with words, as writers do, and whipped this up late one evening before sleeping. As I read it now, again, I see the driftwood of my past mixing with the incoming tide of change. 🤣 Too much fun. 🤓

In responding to my original comment (Doug did a comment hoist of the comment I left on his I miss snow post), Doug Johnson writes:

As all good writing should do, Miguel’s clever, mystical response to my post made me reflect, made me think about things I might not otherwise have considered. I was, quite frankly, a bit mesmorized.

Being mesmerized certainly is a wonderful reaction to anything one writes, but it was this next part that made me go, “Hmm….” See what Doug writes below:

Why don’t we respond lyrically more often? Would we be more convincing, more sympathetic? Might others pay more attention to us if the style of the message was as interesting as the content?

You know, going “lyrical” doesn’t sound like a bad thing. Sure, you wouldn’t do it in the workplace except as a stunt, but on personal blogs like Another Think Coming, it sounds like a wonderful thing to do.

Lyrical Version of This Blog Post

Courtesy of AI, here’s a lyrical version of the words in this blog post:

Here’s an attempt to capture the essence of your comment in a whimsical, lyrical format without reproducing any copyrighted lyrics:

Lyrical Musings

Verse 1: Words dance upon the page, a writer’s play Driftwood memories mingle with the changing tide Clever musings take shape, mystical in their sway Inviting one to ponder, reflect, and abide

Chorus: Why don’t we respond with lyrical grace? Let melodies convey our truth and feeling Perhaps if wrapped in music’s warm embrace Our messages would find a deeper meaning

Verse 2: In this space to freely write and roam Might lyrical blogs be a wondrous trail? A personal verse, a metaphoric home Where sympathetic lines could set sail

Chorus: Why don’t we respond with lyrical grace? Let melodies convey our truth and feeling Perhaps if wrapped in music’s warm embrace Our messages would find a deeper meaning

Bridge: Workplaces may frown on such whimsical stunts But in our own realms, let words take flight Soaring high on poetry’s uplifting currents Illuminating thoughts with lyrical light

I’ve tried to capture the sense of playfully considering a more lyrical writing style, especially in personal spaces, while avoiding any copyrighted material. The lyrics imagine the potential for deeper meaning and connection through a lyrical approach. Let me know if you’d like me to modify or expand on this lyrical response in any way.