Deciding to Learn in spite of #AI #education

“…the correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting” (Plutarch). Assessment in the face of AI continues to be such a huge concern. This article suggests assessment has been flawed from the beginning and relying on the most convenient approach. That …

Time Saved, An AI Illusion

Will AI really save time overall or just push us to complete tasks more quickly so we can do more tasks without saving time? If you have eight hours, you finish 20 tasks instead of the usual ten, but you still work your full eight hours or more. No time is saved unless you hold to the same total …

Assessment in the Age of AI

This piece in Forbes by Dan Fitzpatrick makes some interesting points about assessment, quoting several educators. I admit that I have not given assessment as much thought as I should when considering AI. A simplistic perspective is that we write to learn and think through ideas. If you take a …

Yikes, AI is Coming for Your Data

We may use the information we collect and publicly available information to help train our machine learning or artificial intelligence models for the purposes outlined in this policy. Via When the Terms of Service Change to Make Way for A.I. Training - The New York Times Lets You Organize Chats into Projects

Woohoo, as you can see above, Claude now lets you organize your chat support documents, or whatever you want to call them, into “Projects.” Here’s an explainer video from on the subject. An explanation from Claude: Projects help organize your work and leverage knowledge …

3-2-1: The Unknown Toll of AI

This morning, while reading this response on Threads on my new, consolidated account, I found myself wondering, “How many resources does Perplexity, or Claude or ChatGPT, consume when I ask a simple question, like, ‘What’s the scientific consensus on XYZ?” And, should I even …

Putting Claude 3.5 Sonnet Through Its Paces

Anthropic’s Claude launches a new AI model, Claude 3.5. reports: Claude 3.5 Sonnet sets new industry benchmarks, outperforming competitor models like OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro, as well as Anthropic’s own Claude 3 Opus, across various …

Delaying AI’s Impact On Educators

Can legislation slow a technology innovation? That is the question implied in a post by Jason Gulya with the screenshot of California above. It does seem a way for politicians to look effective while not doing anything substantive and long-lasting This is an issue brought dramatically to everyone’s …

Embracing The Experience in the Face of AI Ease

This piece about AI in education is one I find myself agreeing with. Whether you call it “friction” or “productive struggle,” there IS value in the experience of learning slow. Consider these quotes: The question has left me wondering if in our pursuit of reducing the time it takes to do things, …

Authentic Writing vs AI Writing

Is it safe to say, without evidence, that most writers don’t write for the pleasure alone, but for money? And if they write for money, as part of their work or to publish, then their end goal is financial remuneration, so they can make a living wage? (No, no it is not…see note at the end of this …

AI Fears: #AI is Not Friend to Higher Education Professors #HigherEd #Education #EdTech #AI

I have to admit I love the doom and gloom of this article, Memo to Faculty: AI is not your friend. A FlowChart: Stages of AI Adoption in Higher Education For fun, I cooked up this chart in Mermaid code (so much fun!): Key Points Some key points from the article as identified by; my …

AI in Education and Environment

This was an interesting article that dealt with more than AI’s impact on the environment. See included table for what other topics. For now, I found this the most compelling. Impact on Environment AI is reliant on a chain of extractive processes that are resource-intensive and with deleterious …

Share Knowledge with Perplexity Pages (Updated)

Amazing announcement from Perplexity today: Perplexity Pages, a simple way to turn your research into visually appealing articles. With formatted images and sections, Pages lets you share in-depth knowledge on any topic. Available now for Pro users and rolling out to all users soon! Creating a …

Done with Teaching

Someone on Facebook wrote: I think I am done teaching, any suggestions on a good career change for teachers? What are the teachers who left teaching doing now? That made me wonder, “Have you asked an AI for help?” So I asked on their behalf and got this: Sure, I understand how overwhelming it can …

Anthropic AI Agents

Over at The Verge, Kylie Robison writes: Anthropic is releasing a new feature for its AI chatbot Claude that will let anyone create an email assistant, a bot to purchase shoes, or other personalized solutions. It’s called “tool use” (or the nerdier “function calling”), and it hooks up to any …

AI In Schools: Misalignment of Values

Image source: Someone in a Facebook ChatGPT for Teachers group Great news, right? Custom GPTs will be usable by free users of ChatGPT, those custom GPTs will no longer be behind a paywall. The letter above was shared by an educator who is creating custom GPTs for his K-12 students to use. Can vs …

AI: Privacy is a Perk

It’s all about your privacy perspective, isn’t it? Free account? Expect none to little privacy, or whatever suits the vendor. Pro user? A possibility of privacy protection. Let’s juxtapose Ruben Hassid’s reaction to AI-powered video avatar with Perspective AI’s disclaimer to free users. See anything …

20 #AI School Scenarios: Scary or Not?

What are some of the problems with AI in schools? How would you resolve them? The Student’s Warning: A high school student warns you, a school board member, about the potential negative impacts of AI chatbots on student writing. Will you take action to address these concerns, or will you …

Teacher Use of AI for Grading

I loved this response to an educator’s question about AI use by teachers vs students. It is concise, to the point: You have a sound rationale for discouraging your students from using A.I. to draft their essays. As with many other skills, writing well and thinking clearly will improve through …

Perplexity has reached capacity?!?

The outage is on web and mobile; I became aware of it at 9:24 AM (Central) this morning when I tried to run the prompt enclosed in this blog. Of course, I had noticed some issues this morning at 6:22 AM (Central) when I submitted a prompt (simple question) and it froze. At the time, I was asking it …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 4

In previous blog entries, I shared a list of AI fears. Did those fears have any evidence? This is part 4 where I share the AI fear and an AI’s response with AI evidence. Skeptical? Good. I won’t mention the problem with confirmation bias, only remind you of Trecek-King’s quote: …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 3

In a previous blog entry, I shared a list of AI fears. But, when I ran it through Trecek-King’s FLOATER acronym, the AI megaprompt suggested that while well-reasoned, the fears lacked evidence. Of course, it’s not that the fears lacked evidence, but that MY original post was missing …

Comment Hoist: Attracting GenZ to Teaching

In a response to the post on Attracting GenZ to Teaching, responding to the question of “What Would It Take to Attract Gen Z to Teaching?,” Cass M made this comment: Is that for the US? I know a new hs grad in first year education, and the young man next door just finished his teaching …

AI Fears: Lacking Evidence, Part 2

In my previous blog entry, I shared a list of AI fears. But, when I ran it through Trecek-King’s FLOATER acronym, the AI megaprompt suggested that while well-reasoned, the fears lacked evidence. Of course, it’s not that the fears lacked evidence, but that MY original post was missing …

An AI in K12 Panel

Someone asked if I might consider serving on a panel discussing AI in K12 education. It occurred to me to ask ChatGPT 4o for a panel script. Since the result was a bit overly positive, I had to add an oppositional perspective to original output. I wanted to include topics like fears of AI in …