An AI summary of Paris Marx' article, ** Roundup: Will generative AI have many long-term benefits?**

5 key points

• ChatGPT may harm students' math learning by acting as a crutch rather than improving skills.

• AI assistants in medical imaging can significantly reduce radiologists' accuracy when providing incorrect results.

• Generative AI models performed worse than humans at summarizing documents in a study conducted by Amazon.

• The adoption of AI by firms has not led to significant job cuts, according to a survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

• Recent studies question the long-term benefits of generative AI, contrary to earlier optimistic claims.

4 powerful quotes

“The evidence is slowing coming in and it’s showing those claims were a load of nonsense, as many predicted.”

“The accuracy of inexperienced and moderately experienced radiologists dropped from around 80% to about 22% when the AI provided an incorrect result, and even very experienced radiologists found their accuracy drop from 80% to 45%.”

“As concern grows about the state of the AI bubble, studies like these further call into question what, if any, benefits will actually come of the hype of the past couple years.”

“Sure, some investors and executives will make off with boatloads of money, but what will have been the impact on the rest of us?”


  1. University of Pennsylvania study on ChatGPT’s impact on math learning
  2. Study on automation bias in medical imaging
  3. Amazon analysis on generative AI’s document summarization capabilities