Another Think Coming

MyNotes: The Scientific Consensus on a Memory Aid Drug

Prevagen…a proven memory aid to help you remember stuff, or a well-funded example of pseudoscience? Consider this popular commercial sharing an anecdote from someone who claims to be a real person (aren’t we all?): Of course, Greg Faley IS a real person. He’s starring in a …

Pencil and Paper...Rules?

Earlier this week, I had a chance to revisit my thoughts on educational technology in the classroom. “We need to get back to pen and paper,” said a colleague today. The statement was a reflection of some of the conversations going on at the State level. A part of me cringed a bit to hear …

Micromanagement: Two Images to Reflect Upon

Love these two images from Eric Partaker that highlight concerns about management that I am sure many of us have encountered: And

Not Intelligent Enough

What a fascinating perspective and from Aldous Huxley. I don’t recall learning about this while reading his book. How funny we learn what made them famous but not what impelled them to greatness. It is man’s intelligence that makes him so often behave more stupidly than the beasts. Man …

Overcoming #AI Addiction and AI Detox Strategies

How fast does it take people to get addicted to AI? How many minutes does it take to get addicted? Microsoft reports that all it takes is eleven minutes a day for 11 weeks (11 x 11 is the AI tipping point). They describe it in this way: A time savings of just 11 minutes a day was the magic number …

MyNotes: Keep Moving, Avoid Dementia

In World War Z movie, Brad Pitt’s character says to a family in Spanish, “Movimento es vida,” or “Movement is life.” In the midst of a zombie apocalypse, you have to keep moving to stay ahead of the horde coming to consume you. The same may be true of how to avoid dementia. Consider: individuals …

3-2-1: Book Banning

Here’s a 3-2-1 on book bans in libraries, which National Public Radio (NPR) reported as increasing in 2023. Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash The American Library Association reported that: The number of titles targeted for censorship surged 65 percent in 2023 compared to 2022, reaching the …

AI-Powered Health Trackers (PASTOR) #AI #health

Problem I was a few days ago old when I discovered my smart health tracker also keeps tabs on my location and movements, available to the police. Well, at least I think that it does based on my viewing of the latest CSI: Las Vegas (cue music). Photo by Dushawn Jovic on Unsplash Everyone I know is …

MyNotes: Limit Screen Time

Limit that screen time for younger humans, including television time…new research suggests… a reduction in screen time for toddlers exhibiting sensory processing symptoms, coupled with sensory processing practices delivered by occupational therapists. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) …

Free Opportunity for Teachers: LEGO® Build the Change

My colleague, Lindsay Zilly, shared this opportunity…Check it out: LEGO® Build the Change and Take Action Global are excited to announce open call for registration for the 2023-2024 Institutes. Accepted educators will have the opportunity to join for a free, month-long educator experience with …

Cybersecuring Smart Home Devices

Attention Smart home devices get compromised every day. Whether it’s your security camera to a baby monitor, your privacy is increasingly at-risk. Interest An estimated 672 million households are expected to use smart home devices by 2027. What can anyone do about cybersecurity challenges …

AIDA: Chaplains in Schools

Attention “Your teacher said you misbehaved in class. Bow your head and pray for guidance and how you can better behave in class,” said Rev. Johnson, a chaplain at a public school in Texas. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Can you see public schools where your school counselor has been …

NAACP Ban on States with Anti-DEI Policies

What a disappointing development, if not for sports, for America’s claim to prizing diversity: Black college athletes should rethink any decision to attend public colleges and universities in Florida, the NAACP advised in an extraordinary letter issued in response to efforts by Gov. Ron …

AI Tools: A Quick Round-Up and a Scope and Sequence 1st Draft

Someone asked me recently for AI resources and a scope and sequence. I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why aren’t you using AI interactively to put together a scope and sequence?” The response shown in this blog entry could be developed a lot more through some interactive …

MyNotes: Computational Thinking and AI

Need something to read? Check out this book, Computational Thinking Education in K-12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing: A guide to computational thinking education, with a focus on artificial intelligence literacy and the integration of computing and physical objects. Get …

Critical Thinking, Not AI, is Essential for Curriculum

I found myself scratching my head over this article. Something about it rubbed me wrong. Then I realized what it was. The arguments made for AI are the same as the ones made for XYZ edtech back in the day of Apple //e and Macintosh LC II computers, word processors, and databases, etc. In essence, …

Smell The Roses, If You Can

Reading over one of my old blog entries from Around the Corner (I hope to get it back on track at its old web address, on April 29th or 30th, by the way), I stumbled on this Indian proverb from 2008. It captures an insight into a situation a colleague described. Photo by Annie Spratt on …

3-2-1: AI in Education

One of my favorite emails is what I get from James Clear. I like the 3-2-1 format. That said, it seems pretty formulaic and a matter of research. So, what tool do you know can do research and formulas? Exactly. 🤣 The following is AI-generated. 🤯 Topic: AI in Education 3 Ideas I. “AI in …

SimpleNote Woes, Joplin Revisited: Digital NoteTaking

Wish you had ONE place to post your digital notes? While I keep a handwritten notebook or 10 around the house to keep track of my notes, usually ones that I want to process nice and slow, there are some things you just copy-n-paste. That place, if it’s not a blog, is (or was) my account on …

Clarifying Meaning

I stumbled on a selection of writing earlier today. It had appeared in an online publication that made poor use of it. I ran it through AI and realized, “Wow, this is like uncovering a long buried treasure, cleaning off the grime and seeing it for what it truly is, without layers of interpretation …

Comparing School-Focused AI Tools

Microsoft CoPilot generated image One of the questions I have, even after attending a recent 2024 Convention is, “How do these AI solutions compare to each other?” And, I wondered as I saw clusters of folks huddled around, I asked myself, “As an administrator, why would I invest in …

Sorting through Bias

We’re coming up on a ton of political campaigns, and it was those that spurred me to take a look again at SIFT, which others have mentioned, but I had only briefly explored. After studying up on it, I realized how valuable it can be for the classroom as a tool for critical thinking. Photo by …

MyNotes: How To Say Anything to Anyone

“Is there a way to share feedback and ideas with one another that works well?” The question had come up at a particular group’s team-building getaway. Two of the participants suggested Shari Harley’s book, How To Say Anything to Anyone. They were hoping to short-circuit a …

Diet Soda Bad, Water Good

Yikes, diet sodas are bad for you. I’m still able to buy them everywhere I go. I may have some of this heart stumping brew in my pantry. Whether you drink diet or regular, it can still impact you: the study indicates that people who drank more than two liters of diet beverages per week were …

Implications for PD Facilitators

Figuring out what to present on is always fun for conferences and events. In educational technology, it’s easy to pick the tech tool of the week and do a session on that. Right now, you can pick any assortment of formative assessment tools and AI platforms that are jumping into the space. But …