Ok, you’ve heard that Meta.ai is now available for free. The question is, “What features are in place to secure your data? Can you trust Meta/Facebook/Threads/Instagram/Whatsapp/Messenger?”

Facebook, now Meta, has faced numerous privacy issues while maintaining its supremacy as the top social media network in the world. This includes the infamous Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal of the 2010s, FTC privacy charges, data harvesting or scraping incidents and more. (source)

You can imagine free AIs sucking up your data, using it to train their AI, but failing to safeguard your content that becomes theirs as soon as you enter it.

Facebook AI use reported by Wired: “Meta’s online ad library shows the company is hosting thousands of ads for AI-generated, NSFW companion or “girlfriend” apps on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. They promote chatbots offering sexually explicit images and text, using NSFW chat samples and AI images of partially clothed, unbelievably shaped, simulated women.” source

After all, it IS Facebook we are talking about. ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity offer safeguards and give you the option of opting out your data to train their AI. But what about Meta.ai?

Nope. Not an option.

Be careful to put nothing sensitive or confidential into AI chatbots.

Sample Results


What is the scientific consensus on the effectiveness of Prevagen?

Response from Meta.ai

The scientific consensus on the effectiveness of Prevagen is as follows ¹ ² ³ ⁴:

Lack of Strong Research: There isn’t strong research that apoaequorin taken by mouth boosts memory.

One Small Study: The Prevagen website points to one small study that was sponsored by the supplement’s maker.

Flawed Study: Some neuroscientists had a different take on the results. They said the study didn’t show that people who took Prevagen benefited significantly more than the placebo group.

No Clear Proof: Experts usually don’t consider the findings of one small study as clear proof of anything. FDA Stance: The U.S. FDA has not evaluated Prevagen for safety and effectiveness and has tried to curb claims that it may help memory.

AARP Recommendation: A group of scientists, doctors, scholars, and policy experts brought together by the AARP said it couldn’t recommend any ingredient or supplement marketed for brain health after reviewing the available research.

Alzheimer’s Association Caution: The Alzheimer’s Association cautions that claims about memory-enhancing dietary supplements are mostly based on very little science.
