Photo by Soledad Lorieto on Unsplash

“You’ll be happy to know, Doug, this isn’t a dead horse.” Over at The Blue Skunk blog, Doug “Old Timer” Johnson, quotes someone who asks, “Is blogging dead?” (paraphrase). Doug writes:

The Blue Skunk was started in 2005 as what I thought would be a very temporary experiment. (I honestly didn’t know at the time I named the blog “Blue Skunk” that it was a brand of marijuana -really, I didn’t!) I wondered if blogging was “my thing” since I was writing articles and columns and had even published a book or few. But I quickly came to find it a tool as Mark describes it, to “capture my thoughts” and clarify my thinking. And having no shame, share my conclusions without editors or censorship or occasionally good judgement. (See Why the Blue Skunk Blog and Why I Write for Professional Publication) for a bit more thoughtful approach to my writing.) Writing this blog has probably given me more joy than it has given my readers. (Source: The Blue Skunk Blog- Is The Blog Dead?)

As you might imagine, in the case of my own blog, it’s not dead. It’s still alive somewhere, but now, I get to give it another go. Perhaps Doug’s most apt observation is this one:

Writing this blog has probably given me more joy than it has given my readers…If blogging or just the Blue Skunk is a dead horse, it is one I will continue to beat. Sorry about that.

As a long-time education blogger, that’s exactly right on target for me. Thinking and sharing ideas IS too much fun. I hope that a new blog space will revitalize my own. Some days, you have to burn the place down, scatter the ashes, and plant anew.