The John Decker Supernatural Series of #Books

I stumbled onto the John Decker Supernatural series of books one weekend. From werewolves to weird creatures to John the Ripper, the author Anthony M Strong has done a phenomenal job with the Decker books. If you’re looking for great writing about monsters, then Strong’s 15 book series …

Guest Bloggers Welcome

Welcome to the Guest Blog category. This area will feature guest blog entries from colleagues as well as others. I retain editorial control over the guest blog entries, however. Topics A blog entry where you share how you’ve had “another think” about a topic due to new evidence. …

Reputable? Yes! National Center for Science Education

In an upcoming blog entry on evolution attitudes changing, I cite some info from the National Center for Science Education. I ran into the group on Facebook, so I was curious as to whether it was a reputable organization. You might enjoy their Misconception of the Month. Prompt to AI: Is the …

#BookReview: Teach Like Socrates #mgshare

Review “Think Like Socrates” is an inspiring guide to using Socratic questioning in the classroom. Peeples shares relatable stories that show how this method sparks curiosity and empathy. She makes a strong case for prioritizing authentic dialogue over rote learning. The book’s …