Imagine if you could get the benefit of a blog platform (5 blogs), bookmarking app with archived copy of website content, podcasting, image hosting, and digital notebook for the price of one. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Here is a chart listing the annual cost of the personal plans for, Pocket, Voxer, and Simplenote. These are some that I was investing or thinking about investing in before I stumbled upon by accident:

Service Annual Cost Personal Plan $48 ($4/month)
Pocket Premium $44.99
Voxer Pro $29.99
Simplenote Sustainer $199.99 (optional donation)

Instead the annual of paying for those various services, and others I can’t imagine, I’m paying $10 a month for Micro Blog Premium to get the following features.

Features of Micro Blog Premium

  • Use your own domain name
  • Short or long posts
  • Photo hosting
  • Cross-posting to Mastodon and more
  • Custom themes
  • Publish from the web or native apps
  • Up to 5 blogs
  • Email newsletters
  • Private and shared notes
  • Bookmark archiving and highlighting
  • Podcast and short video hosting
  • iPhone app Wavelength for recording
  • Bookshelves, a way to track the books you are reading (Goodbye GoodReads!)
  • Single-page websites - Create a new single-page web site for sites that don’t need their own blog posts. Useful for landing pages, simple product sites, or for redirecting old domain names. You can add your own domain or subdomain later.


I have to admit that I like the BookShelves option to track the books I’m reading. Why? You can import a list of books you’ve read or are currently reading (or want to read) via a comma-separated values (CSV) file. That means, you can prepare the list in your favorite spreadsheet, then export it as a CSV file for import into Micro Blogs' Bookshelves, to make tracking what you’re reading so easy.

Here’s a partial list of some of my most recent reads in a CSV viewer (CSV Buddy v3.0), an export out of Micro Blogs' Bookshelves.

My goal is to update the list in the spreadsheet tool of choice (OnlyOffice) then upload the completed list. What convenience this is, to add books to my list whether through the web, an app, or via CSV upload.


These features appearing in ONE solution, Micro Blogs, is wonderful. This is simply amazing. More people need to know about this. Spread the word.